Chronicles Page 10

The Chronicles of Chow King Leong & His Family

Page 10

According to age-old Chinese tradition, the sacrament of matrimony is not so much the taking on of a bride by her husband-to-be, but inherently so, as the taking on of a daughter-in-law by the prospective parents-in-law. The parents of the bridegroom issue the invitation in their names; they are the host and hostess at the wedding banquet as well as the provider of payment for all expenses relative to the run of things. But in turn, they are the recipients of congratulatory wishes and the beneficiaries of the wedding gifts. It is no wonder that at the Chow King son’s celebrations, there were more than 700 participants toasting the honorable parents-in-law, half of them invited guests from the various family, district and community organizations.
The attack on Pearl Harbor in December of 1941, incensed many, but inspired many more to answer the call to arms to defend their country. Andrew, the youngest son, enlisted as a private in the U.S. Air Force; gained the rank of lieutenant at the completion of training from Officer Cadets School, saw active service overseas in the role as captain and major, and retired from the Air Force Reserves as Lt. Colonel. Another son, Lee, was in the service of the Navy performing his duties in the Pacific Islands. The two older sons observed their obligations on the home-front; Willie turning out thousands of khakis, olive- drabs and other military riggings, while Harry, literally getting up with the chickens to gather the eggs on his chicken yard in Russell City.
Shortly before America entered World War I, Mun Foo made ready to join his two brothers for the first time in San Francisco. Before leaving his homeland, he wanted to see his sister settled and tried to prevail upon her to seek an early marriage. Wing Him, the independent one, rejected the idea. When the brother threatened never to return to China as long as she remained single, she caved in, bowed to his wishes, and got married, but doing it “her way”. She bought a concubine for her husband-to-be, with the agreement that her own marriage to him was to be in name only. On the day of the wedding, Wong Hing went thru the ritual, first as the blushing bride. Immediately, a second ceremony was solemnized. This time Wong Hing’s status was elevated. She took her place, as Wife Number One, sitting very properly beside her so called husband. The concubine knelt in front of her, offering her the traditional cup of tea. The acceptance by Wong Hing is a recognition by all parties that Wife Number One is entitled to respect and honor.
In the 20’s, business was flourishing and H. William was prospering beyond all expectation. Chow King, constantly mindful of his family, issued a percentage of his share to his three surviving sisters in China. By the time of the Communist takeover, only Wong Hing, among the three, was living. She managed to escape to Hong Kong where a distant relative provided a bed space for her in the hallway of her apartment. Hong Kong was filled to overflowing with refugees from mainland China; people were sleeping on the sidewalks; families were living in entry ways of buildings. Wong Hing felt fortunate having a space in the hallway. In 1958, she wrote Chow King requesting a partial withdrawal of her funds from H. William. It was her first appeal since receiving the shares in the twenties. She needed the money to buy a small condominium she had seen and felt appropriate for herself. Her brother responded by buying the condominium outright for her, a deed for which she is endlessly thankful.

A family portrait taken around 1954
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In January 1958, after a stay of a year at the Chinese Hospital, Lau Yung died of leukemia. Standing at her bedside, Chow King expressed, almost whispering, these last words to her: “Mama, so you’ve taken the step in advance of me”. A month later, Chow King became incapacitated. The agonizing pain caused by the cancerous condition of his spine prohibited his every movement. Lying stiffly on his back, he studied his sister’s letter and tears came to his eyes. Perhaps he was thinking of Lau Yung – but for certain the thought must have passed thru his mind that he would not see Wong Hing again. He and Lau Yung wanted so much to go back to China one more time, but it wasn’t to be. China did not open her doors to Americans until 1978, twenty years after their deaths.
His longing to see the completion of the new Church Sanctuary was fulfilled. Construction was already underway when he entered Stanford Hospital, now the Pacific Presbyterian Medical Center. He spent five months on his back, never once complaining and always a cheerful greeting for everyone.
A week before his 82nd birthday, he was transported by ambulance on a hospital gurney to the church to be a part of the dedication ceremony. He was in high spirits as he cut the ribbon; joy filled his heart upon entering the beautiful house of God. He had seen his dream, his hopes realized.
Chow King loved the outdoors. Before his illness, he spent many hours in the back garden of his home

Chow King Leong
8/26/1876 - 8/26/1958
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reading the Bible and doing Tai Chi, calisthenics, Chinese style. Neighbors watching him from their apartment windows were fascinated by the graceful and exact movements. Once, a neighbor invited him to her apartment to perform for her friends, the Chinese ballet as she referred to Tai Chi. At the hospital, he continued to spend some time in the open air. Routinely before lunch, the orderly rolled him in his bed down to the Rose Garden. On the Sunday before his birthday, Michelle and Dede, his two youngest grandchildren surprised him with a luncheon party. It was the perfect set-up since hospital rules do not permit children under 12 to visit patients in the rooms. He relished the chow mien and the dim sum served to him, but more than that, the sight of his grand daughters serving him his birthday cake with the candles who were the closest to the parents during their later years, stirred him to tears.
On the morning of his 82nd birthday, he quietly slipped away to join Lau Yung, who preceded him in death by six months. We remember Chow King, father and grandfather; a man of ethical principles and unimpeachable integrity; a lover of justice and compassion. Chow King a man ahead of is time, we salute you, we love you, we owe you!

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