The Chronicles of Chow King Leong & His Family

The Chronicles of Chow King Leong & His Family

by Delores Ann Leong Williams
Last Edit: September 2006
Photos, Captions and Addendum by David Alan Leong 2012
Last Edit: August 2012

Auntie Ann had a great desire to share the Leong history with members of the family. She gave at least 3 renditions that I am aware of. 1) At the very first reunion in 1988, she gave an oral rendition to the family gathered at Arnold Leong's house in Burlingame. Somewhere, someone has this tape. If you have a copy, please let me know. 2) In 2001, Todd Leong was a producer for the Bill Moyers PBS series "Becoming American: The Chinese Experience", and he arranged for Auntie Ann to recount our family's history to the writers. None of our story made it to the script, but it did result in documenting hours of interview data. 3) Finally, in 2006, in time for the Chinatown reunion, Micheliene Yim helped Auntie Ann get a document created, which immediately follows this page. That document is unedited and in her words as she wrote them. I added photos and captions for illustration.
In 2012, in time for the 2012 Family Reunion and Uncle Andrew's 90th birthday party, I used her writings, and research from various sources, to expand a little on her words. The primary sources, of additional information, are her interview with PBS, a trip to the National Archives in San Bruno, where immigration documents are archived,, and The Google. The result is the Chronology that follows Auntie Ann's words, and an Addendum that I am using as an avenue to expand a little and provide background on Auntie Ann's chronicle.
The last set of documents, are PDF scans of our files at the National Archives in San Bruno. These are primarily documents relating to immigration. Chow King and Lau Shee were aliens for much of their lives in America, but the children were all citizens by birth. Regardless, during the era of Chinese exclusion, even citizens of Asian descent had to prove their citizenship, so we have their documents too.

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